Rabu, 08 Mei 2024

Such a Warm Feeling

Yesterday, I went to EF's Kuningan City, my body was not good, I have been getting my periods, and the traffic was overwhelming. In the road, I prayed to God, "Ya Allah, if You give me this class, I will be happy, if it's not, I accept this Ya Allah. But, I wish, I can through this road and I can come to the class Ya Allah." Now in EF, I got my advanced level, but I still know nothing for many things in English. I still want to study, meet with my teachers and my friends.

I arrived at Kuncit's Park at 6 pm, so do the class was going, I ran, and finally I got the class although I was late for 3 minutes. I met with Fauzan and Mega from The Plaza, we talked about trade topics (sure, I have not had a better understanding about the topic), and the teacher was Angky, my favorite teacher after Q-Man. I like Angky, he is a friendly teacher, I like how he treats students with his understanding in English, how he teaches us about life. This is a simple like, "No judgemental, no sentimental about the topic you don't know well, after this class, you will forget that." Haha, I can't agree more, he hits the nail.

Then, in the second class, I met a trial student named Samudra. He asked me about my experience in EF. Honestly, I said to him, in EF, I do not only learn about English, but also about life. The happy thing, he was signing the contract in EF tho', I was happy having a new friend. Then, I continued the class, I followed EE with the question from some chatterbox. At 9 pm, I went to the dorm, but I took the ice cream. But, the EF's staff was busy, she could not give me the challenge, so she allowed me to take the ice cream. But, Angky shoted me, wkwk, he gave me the challenge.

This is a simple challenge guys, Angky asked me to spell "PROCRASTINATION" but spell it from the back. You know, I was very struggling, it looked hard for me, but Angky with his smile gave me motivation, come on Isma, you can! And, sure, with his help, I could, wkwk. Then he gave me the ice cream, and we made a hand toss. "Well deserved, Isma," said him. Thank you Angky, you made my day!

In the road, I learned one good thing: If something looked hard, complex, and unsolved for you, please make the troubleshoot by dividing it into a small thing. The example, procrastination, it can be divided to remember it from the back to be "pro-cras-tina-tion" into "noit-anit-sarc-orp". Thank you for this day semesta!

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